Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn has 740 Million Members in 200 Countries and Regions Worldwide. There are 55 million companies listed on LinkedIn making it the online business community you absolutely must embrace as a business owner. We will show you how!

We Will Empower You

Time and time again our clients tell us we give them the confidence to embrace LinkedIn to present the best version of themselves and their business. They love our step by step approach that saves them time , gives them clarity and inspires them to take action. This training course encapsulates all these elements and we can't wait to help you Power Up Your LinkedIn Profile


  • An existing business owner & LinkedIn Member looking to raise your game to attract fresh new connections & prospective new clients

  • You’re moving from the corporate world, have set up on your own and are ready to make your mark.

  • You’re setting up your LinkedIn Profile as a new business owner for the first time.

What our clients say about our LinkedIn training:

Marian, you're the best!

Jan Ibbot - The Founders Club

I have recently used Marian from Flourish With Social Media for 1:1 traning on LinkedIn as I have just returned to it after many years away. It has changed a lot and I wanted to know the new features and how best to use it for my new business. Marian is a great trainer, explaining very well each area of how and why to use each feature and giving me a 'tour' of the platform at the same time. She was very well planned and prepared for our session and had done a lot of research around my profile and areas to change and enhance. I would wholeheartedly recommend Marian for her training on LinkedIn. Thanks Marian, you're the best!

Thank you so much Marian for your expertise and patience.

Claire Jonas - Claire Jonas Photography

Today, after many years of procrastination, I finally had my social media training session with Marian. I asked her to help me get over my fear and feeling of intimidation with LinkenIn. Not only did she help me see that it is very similar to other platforms but there were features that I had no idea were there. I was very nervous about what I would find but Marian is so knowledgeable and took me through it step by step and made it look so easy. Not only is she extremely well-informed but she clearly loves what she does. I could not recommend her highly enough and I never thought I would say this, but I can’t wait to get my teeth into LinkedIn and make all the changes she suggested. Thank you so much Marian for your expertise and patience.

I would not hesitate to use Marian again or recommend her services to a friend.

John Kinsella - Glasteq

I recently had the pleasure of working with Marian where she helped bring my professional LinkedIn profile up to standard. Her subject matter expertise made the whole experience pain free and her work ethic made sure it was done to the best possible standard whilst accommodating my every need, she left no stone unturned. I would not hesitate to use Marian again or recommend her services to a friend.

Special Features

The special features of the course are:

  • It follows the structure of the LinkedIn-Profile, making it simple to navigate.

  • Each feature is explained so you’ll know what you’re doing and why.

  • We will demonstrate each feature, on the site itself, so you’ll know where to find it and how to make changes.

  • Taking Action – that’s you putting your new knowledge to work, on your own profile.

And Best of All....

You can come back to the course again and again, to refresh and revive your profile as your business evolves and grows. So, what are you waiting for? Sign Up Today